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What Should I Eat During Pregnancy?

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Healthy eating has never been so important. Follow this quick guide for what to tuck into while you're expecting and what to avoid.

The importance of healthy eating during pregnancy cannot be overemphasized. A little bub is fully dependent on your nutrition and activity for her growth and nourishment for nine months and you want what's best for her.

Knowing the different foods, which you must avoid and focus on the foods that are essential, can make you have the healthiest meal choices.

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What To Avoid

1. Alcohol

There is no data regarding the level of alcohol in the mother's blood that is harmful to the fetus. The safest choice is to avoid it entirely. Mothers who take alcohol have higher risk of having miscarriages and stillbirths. While mothers who consume a lot of alcoholic beverages put their babies at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome, low birth weight, facial deformities and mental retardation.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea, soda pose potential deformities to the baby.  Caffeine crosses the placenta thus Mothers are also likely to suffer miscarriages. Limit yourself to 200 mg of caffeine a day, i.e. 2 cups of 120ml (4 oz) of brewed coffee.

3. Fishes and shellfishes that are...
  • High in mercury such as mackerel and swordfish
  • Undercooked or raw. It's best to stay away from sashimis, raw clams and oysters. Make sure that seafoods are well cooked.
  • From polluted sources If you were planning to eat freshwater seafoods like the milkfish it would be wise to take note of where it came from.
4. Undercooked Meat, Poultry and Eggs
Pay attention how the meat is prepared and cooked. It is best to avoid processed meats like bologna, salami at this time. Raw egg and raw egg products should be completely avoided.

5. Unpasteurized Foods
Unpasteurized milk and milk products such as skimmed milk, cheeses like brie, Camembert and blue cheese should be put aside during your pregnancy.

What To Eat

1. Grains
These are a great source of carbohydrates that the body needs for energy especially during this time when you might feel tired all the time. These can be whole-grain bread, fortified cereals, brown/red/black rice or whole-wheat pasta.

2. Fruits and vegetables
Foods in this group provide vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin C that promotes healthy gums, teeth and skin for you and your baby. Green leafy vegetables contain iron and folic acid, which helps in your baby’s brain development.

3. Meat, poultry, fish and eggs
You need these foods for protein that is important for you your baby’s growth especially after the first trimesters.

4. Milk and dairy products
Calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone and teeth formation, which can be found in milk and fortified soya milk. You can also include yogurt, skimmed milk and cheeses in your diet.

WeLuvMoms Contributor, Helen Ng-Pabilona, MD