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What To Expect In The First Trimester

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From discovering that you are have a baby to perfecting a late pregnancy, the changes you’ll experience over the coming months are certainly amazing. Feeling overwhelmed? Some quick guides to whats happening for you and your baby.

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Folic Acid or folate is essential for baby's brain and spinal cord development. It is recommended to take this essential nutrient at least 3 months before conceiving. These is to decrease the chance of fetal neural tube defects. 800 micrograms a day is needed before conception up to delivery. Natural sources of folate are beans, green leafy vegetables and cereals.

The amazing first 8 weeks

  • Your skin will be changing over the up coming months. Take care of it with indulgent, nourishing creams and oils.
  • You don’t look pregnant at the moment (although you might feel a little thicker around the waist), but there’s certainly a great deal happening. You probably feel tired and you might also feel sick as there so many pregnancy hormones racing around your body.
  • Don’t be worried if you feel emotional - it’s perfectly normal to be up and down.


  • Your baby is an embryo as she reaches her eight week she officially becomes a fetus and has grown to the size of a kidney bean. your baby’s major internal organs are already developing - even her eyelids and tongue are forming.
  • By just 6 weeks your baby’s heart is pumping strongly.
Weeks 9 to 12


  • You may notice some changes in your skin as hormone levels continue to rise. With a little luck, your complexion will be clearer, but spots are also quite common. Look for some great skin care ranges to help you care for your skin.
  • Your gums are softening, so pick up a new soft toothbrush and some floss or interdental sticks.
  • Look after your pearly whites. Hormonal changes can weaken teeth and gums, so keep them healthy by brushing and flossing regularly.
  • Make sure you are gentle on yourself as you may still feel tired and occasionally a little light-headed.
  • You might notice a dark midline streak on the bottom half of your bump. This is called the linea nigra. This is due to increased estrogen levels in the body. This also coincides with the darkening of the nipples , face and the folds of the skin. This is more obvious in dark-skinned females. These usually  gradually disappear after your’ve had your baby.
  • You may experience changes in your hair and scalp as well. Hair may start to become brittle and dry. Some women may notice increase in hair growth or  the exact opposite. The scalp may sometimes be dry or oily. Choose a lightly formulated hair and scalp shampoo.
  • The first scan is usually done around this time to assess the number of pregnancies and the fetal heart rate.
  • You might notice a dark line on the bottom half of your bump. This is called the linea nigra and will disappear after your’ve had your baby.
  • AS YOU REACH 12 WEEKS, you’ll be having your first scan.
  • By 12 weeks, your baby is about as long as your thumb and all her body parts are there even if they’re not fully formed. She has fingers, toes, elbows and writs and can already swallow, stretch, roll and yawn. Every day something new is happening - from tastebuds to a tiny fuzz of hair.
  • You baby’s kicking away by 10 weeks, but you won’t feel her yet.
  • At the end of the first trimester, your baby is becoming less vulnerable to infection.
WeLuvMoms Contributor, Helen Ng-Pabilona, MD