1. Supine Swaddling Reduces Incidence of SIDS
SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome happens when a healthy infant sleeps dies during sleep. Though symptoms are unexplained (hence the name sudden infant death), one of the potential risk factors is stomach sleeping. When the baby is swaddled and sleeps better at his back, parents are less likely to use the unsafe tummy position.
2. Swaddled Babies Sleep Better
Swaddled babies have fewer awakenings and gets twice rapid eye movement during sleep which is believed to enhance brain development. And moms, you can now take a break because if babies sleep better and longer, parents get to sleep too!
3. Reduces Colic and Fussiness
If you’re thinking “But my baby won’t be able to move freely” don’t worry because swaddling actually helps them transition from mommy’s belly to the real world. Being swaddled reminds them of when they were still in the womb.
Babies also make their own actions that startle them awake like their jerky movements/flailing of hands. Talk about a Bruce Lee in the making.
4. Helps Make Breastfeeding Easier
When baby’s extra movements are contained, baby can focus and latch-on. Once he learns how to latch on, let baby drink without the swaddle so you and baby can be skin to skin and tummy to tummy.
When outdoors or if you need cover, you can also use it to drape over and use it as a privacy throw or just use it for baby’s warmth.

5. Embrace Moments
Using square-shaped swaddling blankets like SwaddleDesigns, you can embrace more moments with your baby. Use it for swaddling, privacy throw when breastfeeding, or as a burp cloth, a stroller cover to protect baby from sunlight, play mat, or baby’s accessory on her day out so you two can have matching outfits. Baby can also use it as he is growing up. It's very versatile so you can get creative with it and embrace moments.
SwaddleDesigns is now available in the Philippines. Check out SwaddleDesigns in Facebook.