Make chocolate cupcakes and satisfy cravings for kids and adults alike. Make this recipe more fun by letting your little one help you make these cupcakes.
First Part: The Cake

You will need:
1. 1 Cup of Water
2. 1/2 cup olive oil or canola oil
3. 3 Eggs
4. 1 Pack/Box of Devil's Food Cake (For this recipe, we used Magnolia Devil's Food Cake)

Mix oil with cake mix.

Crack the eggs in a separate bowl.

Now mix the egg to the cake mix and oil mixture.

Using a whisk, mix all the ingredients until they are completely combined.

Line your cupcake pans with your choice of cup cake liners. Pour the chocolate batter into each cup. To ensure each cup cake is the same size use an ice cream scooper to pour the batter in to the liners. Make sure to just fill 3/4 of cup. The cupcake will expand as you bake.

Bake cupcakes in a preheated oven at 350°F/175°C and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Part 2: Butter Cream Frosting

You will need:
1. 1 Cup of Unsalted Butter
2. 4 Cups of Confectioner's Sugar
3. 3 tbsp fresh milk
4. 1 tbsp of vanilla extract

Beat butter in low speed first and slowly add the confectioner's sugar. Add the milk and vanilla extract and slowly increase speed to high. Cream the butter cream until smooth and creamy.

Using a zip lock fill it up with the butter cream. Then cutting out one of the lower left or right corner will serve as your tip to pipe out the butter cream. If you have a piping bag place the butter cream in the piping bag and use the largest round tip you have to pipe the butter cream out to decorate the cupcake.

Decorate the cupcakes with candy sprinkles. You can let your little one do this. Kids will surely enjoy putting sprinkles on the cupcake.

And it's done! If you're baking for a party that follows a theme, you can put another layer of cupcake liner that matches your theme. Check out how we used these cupcakes for a surprise baby shower we did here.