When you become a mom, life becomes busy and everybody will agree. But becoming a mom doesn’t have to mean you lose time for yourself. There’s a “me” in mommy and this sparked the idea of making a get together of super moms by Baby and Breakfast - Mom-me Time 2014.

On October 15, 2014, a group of moms with the shared passion to inspire other moms had a day of pampering at Spaces by Babyland. Upon entering, you can already scream happily in your head and say “Ahhh! Finally some me time!” Just look at how wonderfully designed the place is.

Hosted by Janna Simpao, owner of blogs Bride & Breakfast and Baby & Breakfast.

Moms begin with their pampering time by making their own flower crowns.

Look how beautiful the crowns they made are. They are very Instagram-able too!

Rica Peralejo starts talking about her passions and dreams in life. She likes mountain climbing and spelunking, and wishes she can climb a mountain with her baby when he grows up. She then told everybody to share each others’ stories, passions and dreams and called few to share in front.

She points out not to forget about these passions and let these become your driving spirit in influencing your son/daughter. Her husband, Joe, would never have been a reader if it wasn’t for his mom, and Rica wouldn’t have known how to style a house if it wasn’t for her mom.

Then it was Maricel Laxa’s turn, who had a similar concept but an entirely different story. She was going through rules and strategies when she forgot her own value, and how she, her children, each one of us are uniquely designed and of great value. She approached her mentor about this and was asked about her priorities, and that’s when she knew she had to value herself more for her to be able to take care of others deeply.

She continues with humility and how we should never shoulder all responsibilities and ask help from others. Lastly, she says “you are not the ultimate source”, you need to get power from the ultimate source.

Everyone also brought home a lot of amazing stuff, and we mean A LOT, from Yosi & Samra, Huggies, Tonga, Boon, Minui, Dr. Brown's and more.
It was amazing attending Mom-me Time 2014 and we hope a lot of moms, even those who are not in the event, are inspired and will soon be sharing the same passion of inspiring others.
Mom-me Time 2014 is an event by Baby and Breakfast in collaboration with Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio of Wanders and Wonders and Babyland.