If you've stumbled upon this post, then we probably share the same thoughts right now: Baking during the Holidays makes baking even more fun! Probably because of the fact that you're preparing treats for a very merry occasion and you get to share sweet treats to your friends and family, which is the point of this season after all.

It's also the season we either scroll through recipes and baking ideas. Pinterest, most likely, also becomes an instant best friend! Or we repeat a recipe that's become a tradition and has been loved by your family.

And once they're ready and out of the oven, you become overly excited because you can finally start decorating your cookies. It's also the part when the little ones in the family can have fun putting color on the cookies!

And we guess baking can never be as fun than preparing colorful and delicious treats for your loved ones, especially during the holidays! Have fun baking! Have a merry Christmas and a happy, happy new year!