Mountain Pose - Strengthens spine and improves posture.
Stand tall on mat or towel with feet together and weight evenly distributed on both feet. Let arms hang down at sides, pull belly in, and breath steadily. With heels planted, lift toes upward. Lower toes and place them on floor one at a time, then stand tall on feet again.
Tree Pose - Stretches hips and improves balance.
From mountain pose, shift weight to left foot, and bend right knee. With right hand, clasp angle and bring toward left leg. Rest right sole against left inner thigh or calf, if easier. Keep right knee pointed to right side. Bring hands together in front of chest. Hold for five breaths, then switch legs.

Cat-cow Pose - Stretches and strengthens core.
1. Kneel on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
2. Exhale, and round spine up toward ceiling and gently curl head down. Inhale, and reverse the motion.
3. Lift chest and tailbone up toward ceiling, and let the belly sink down toward the floor so that back is gently arched. Lift head to look straight ahead. Do this rounding and arching sequence 10 to 20 times.
Resting Pose - Calms nervous system.
Lie on back with hands about six inches away from body and palms up toward the ceiling. If you feel discomfort, place a rolled-up towel under your head or knees. Close eyes and breath naturally. Let whole body relax. Stay this way for 5 minutes, then come out of pose gently. Roll to right side, press hands against the floor, and lift torso to sit up.
Article based on Healthy Woman's 4 Yoga Moves To Try.
Photos from Yoga Basics and Yoga Outlet.
1. Kneel on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
2. Exhale, and round spine up toward ceiling and gently curl head down. Inhale, and reverse the motion.
3. Lift chest and tailbone up toward ceiling, and let the belly sink down toward the floor so that back is gently arched. Lift head to look straight ahead. Do this rounding and arching sequence 10 to 20 times.
Resting Pose - Calms nervous system.
Lie on back with hands about six inches away from body and palms up toward the ceiling. If you feel discomfort, place a rolled-up towel under your head or knees. Close eyes and breath naturally. Let whole body relax. Stay this way for 5 minutes, then come out of pose gently. Roll to right side, press hands against the floor, and lift torso to sit up.
Article based on Healthy Woman's 4 Yoga Moves To Try.
Photos from Yoga Basics and Yoga Outlet.