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Writing letters on a non-holiday: Words for the little one

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Photo from Flickr User

We’re sure there was never a time that a letter from your child made you smile or laugh despite of the misspelled words and funny decorations. And what’s nice, either it was a school project or just a letter they made at home, is that we know our kids were sincere in writing those letters.

So here’s a little “project” for moms! In line with the month of love, here’s something we can practice doing: writing on a non-holiday. We reckon this project’s a bit tough especially when you’re already jumping from one task to another, so we’re leaving simple tips to help you out with this project.

Photo from Melanie Holtsman

Lunchbox notes

Writing a long letter can be tedious both for you and for your child who probably doesn’t want to read very long letters yet, so why not put surprise notes inside your child’s lunchbox? You can just make it cute and short like “Enjoy your day!” or “Here’s your favorite sandwich.” Something simple that will get them excited throughout the day.

Everyday reminder

Have a custom-printed bag tag with a note or phrase you want your child to remember everyday. You can always remind them to be happy, or learn how to share their blessings with their classmates. Anything you want them to know when they’re not home.


You can hang frames inside their rooms with words you want them to see when they wake up, go home from school, and before they sleep. Or print a poster with an encouraging quote from their favorite cartoon character.

Notes on cards

You can buy one or just make one of your own. They will love the card from the design up to the words you wrote in it.

We don’t really have to wait for the holidays and school retreats before we write a letter to our child. It’s important for them to hear the words they need, and know that you love them everyday.