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the BEST Advice Your MOM every gave YOU

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There are times our moms do drive us crazy with all the little (or a lot of) nagging they gives us. But as we grow up and be a mother or parent ourselves, we realize that our moms do dish out good advice that we find ourselves using and applying it in our daily life now. Amazingly we find ourselves sharing the same advice with our children.

Share the love of a Mom this Mother's Day and share your mom's advice. Help us out as we compile a list of "great Advice our Moms ever gave" by adding your own. #weluvmoms or leave your best advice on our FB page.

"When you lie, make sure you have a good memory." - M.S.
"Use your common sense!" - anonymous
"Always defend yourself." - Caroline B.
"Face your mistake before it becomes worse." - A.B.
"Never give up easily, you will be the winner at the end." - N.J.
"When buying bargain goods - don't take things at face value, you get what you pay for." - J.S.
"Treat people the way you want to be treated." J.V.S.
"Don't do work that is just enough to get you by or just to be able to say I finished the work, do work that will make you a better you and you can be proud to tell others that it is your hard work." - anonymous
"Pick yourself up! Don't give excuses. Face the problem and that is the only way things get solve." - anonymous
"Surround yourself with good friends and you will be like them. If you surround yourself with bad friends you will be like them too. So choose your friends wisely." - anonymous