1. Go Early
It will be easier because there will be less people in the place you want to eat in, and that also means you won't be hearing him/her crying or complaining about having to wait long.
2. Bring Tools of Distraction
This is everybody's weapon. Bring finger food and toys that will distract your baby/kid, or download phone applications that he/she will enjoy while waiting.
3. Avoid Fancy Restaurants
Hate it when people stare at you like they're antagonists from movies? The thing is that in their eyes, you might actually be the real antagonist because of the noise your baby's making. Remember, fancy restaurants are very quiet so those places are the kind where people from all across the room will hear your baby crying. Choosing other places to eat in especially fast food restaurants can be a wise choice.
4. Choose A Big Table
You're going to need a lot of space to put your things on. If it's not going to be the table, try and ask for an extra chair.
5. Use High Chairs
Or bring one! We don't know how clean the restaurant's high chair is and babies are pretty sensitive, so it might be better to just bring a portable high chair. Some of these are the one with legs that reach up to the floor, or ones that you can just attach to any chair like Minui Handysitt. (Tip: You can also use it at home!)
6. Keep Things Away From Baby's Reach
Any moment baby gets tired with his own toys, he'll look for other things to grab and we don't want things to get messy when eating outside.
7. Bring Your Own Utensils
Aside from the mess your kid might make reaching everything in the able, you don't want to pay for anything he smashes. Try bringing your own bowl or sippy cup to avoid any mess and damages you might cause in the restaurant.
8. Use Table Toppers or Placemats
Yes, they clean their tables once in a while but using another clean layer on top like a mat with plastic cover (with tape on the side so baby doesn't remove it easily) will make sure everything your baby will touch is clean.
9. Don't Put Baby In Dangerous Places
Definitely not in the aisle where the waiter might trip over baby's chair or where someone might accidentally pour food on baby. Put baby in a place where not many people pass by if possible.
10. Clean Your Mess
Of course, don't forget to clean your mess. It's the waiter's job, but sometimes our mess just goes overboard. A little help won't hurt.
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