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5 Ideas That Will Make Chores Fun For Your Kids

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Let's face it. Chores will never be fun for kids because all they want to do is play. I'm sure that's what you were also thinking of when you were a kid.

Deanna, a contributor, shared that she experienced the most intense chores as a kid because her mom always expected tasks to be done within a day even if it's a lazy summer day or if a hurricane hits them. It's not exactly the same situation when it comes to Deanna's kids so she suggests starting with easy tasks like reminding her what time it is or telling her if they already took their medicine.

I'm sure we all understand how Deanna feels and we just want to train our kids to become responsible and disciplined as they grow up. To other parents having the same struggle, start with small tasks or give them tasks they'll be forced to do in exchange of something they want. In this generation, kids will want to do something new. Make things fun both for you and your child by adding a little fun and challenge. Give them teachable moments. Here are few suggestions and DIY projects on how to make chores fun for your kids (from a list of references from Kids Activities). All of them basically follow the same concept, but you can use whichever is the easiest and whatever your child would find fun.

1. Kierste's Washi Tape Chore Chart
It's very easy to do. Kierste designed all these sticks for her five kids in just ten minutes! The idea is very simple for the kids too. All they have to do is to flip a stick whenever a task is done.


You can make your own chart and put it inside a frame so you can still erase ink if you're using a whiteboard marker, or download the illustration from The 36th Avenue's website! This can also be useful for checking if kids are doing their homework. You can also make your own reward system if they finish tasks, like the reward in this photo for example that gives your child "10 extra minutes before bed!"

3. Brooke's Spinning Chore Chart
Brooke of All Things Thrifty made these spinning chore chart out of two Lazy Susans from IKEA. This makes things fun for the kids because they will think doing chores is a game they can play. This will also make your kids excited to find out what their next task is.


4. Hayley's (Project Junior) "Big Helper" Board
A fun way for you and your little one to see how they're doing with their tasks. They will feel satisfied and responsible to see how much they've done at the end of the day.

DIY chore chart

5. She Knows Australia's Magnetic Chore Chart
A good way to monitor if your kids are doing their tasks and you can also check which tasks you can help them with.

Can't think of a reward system for your kids. Here's one you might enjoy: Kids usually don't do chores and assignments because they are too distracted playing or using the internet. Let them do their tasks in exchange of the WiFi password! ;)

Got your own ideas on how to make chores fun for kids? Share them with us!