As wonderful as bath time can be, a lot of moms feel a little apprehensive bathing their new born. What is the right temperature? Is the water too much? How do I wash my baby’s hair? What product should I use to bathe my baby?
Tip: Making your baby’s bath part of her sleep time routine is an ideal way to help relax baby and ready for sleep.
(Products in the photo: Boon)
How to do it:
- Fill the baby bath with up to 8cm of warm water. Use a bath thermometer to check the temperature is right.
- Wrap you baby in a towel. Tuck her lower body under your arm. Support her head with one hand and hold her over the bath as you gently wash her hair with the other.
- Remove the towel and lower your baby into the bath. Support her head with one hand and use the sponge tow ash her with your free hand.
- Lift your baby out, wrap her in the towel and pat her dry.
- Don’t forget, never leave your baby alone in the bath.