Getting kids to do their homework is a tough job, but there are some ways we can help so this doesn't become an everyday battle until he grows up. Here are few tips for your kid to get that homework done:
1. Set a schedule
Set a time you think your kid is most comfortable with. It doesn't have to last for an hour. A quick glimpse, or 20 to 30 minutes of studying is enough just for him to remember what he learned throughout the day.
2. A time for play
They wouldn't like it if they just came home from school and you demand them to study. Let them do what they want for a while until he's shaken off school from his mind. This will also help in letting you know when to set the best study time.
3. "My area"
It doesn't really have to be a table that looks like it's been taken off from a catalog. Let your child choose a place he's comfortable to study in every night. It differs from one kid to another as some like studying in their own table, some on the bed, and some in the dining area.
4. No distractions
He might be needing his iPad or laptop to finish his work, but always remind him to focus. The television can also be a bit distracting. Also, remember not to become the distraction with the noise you make inside the house.
5. Be the teacher
Guide him through his work and explain things he doesn't understand. Setting a calm and relaxed environment will also help him to feel that the work he's doing isn't much of a work at all.
6. Make sure they do their own work
Don't go beyond guiding them. Don't let them think that you're always there to do things for them.
7. Congratulate them
And save some of their work and post it anywhere in the house so it will always remind them of how he attained that grade.
8. Give them rewards
Try giving them rewards for passing huge exams so they know that hard work always comes with a prize. This also teaches them to become focused (or "eyes on the prize") on attaining goals while growing up.