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7 Tips To Survive Traffic With Kids

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The traffic is getting pretty intense in our country and your child doesn’t get any more patient. Here are tips on dealing with long rides with a child having tantrums inside the car.

1. The “Mission”

Tell your kid what’s going to happen and what the trip is for. Set a tone and be calm in telling him your plans so he knows what to expect before entering the car.

2. Don’t go out on an empty stomach

Or all you’re going to hear are complaints of a hungry child. You can also bring snacks and your child’s favorite food for him to enjoy munching on.

3. Naptime

Wether you’re bringing your baby or a child, it’s always best to go out on their naptime so they stay asleep during the trip. For babies, playing white noise or classical music helps too.

4. Make It Fun
Bring a toy or play games inside the car. The famous game that everybody likes to play on long trips is “I spy.” You can also talk to your kid about things he like, or maybe let him play his favorite music.

5. Baby Lovies
Give your baby or child a security blanket he can hold for comfort. Remember to rub your scent on it before giving the blanket to him. It actually works! In fact, Angelina Jolie gives her child Shiloh a Baby Lovie when going out.

6. Make Stopovers If Necessary
Kids don’t like sitting for too long. They always need to move, so a stopover won’t hurt. You can also play or eat snacks with him. This also helps if you’re minutes away from waiting for the traffic to stop.

7. Lastly - Conceal it, don’t feel it
Take it from Elsa. You don't want to burst out. If the traffic is irritating you, don’t let your child know. Always try to keep yourself relaxed and calm and your child just might feel the same.