Based on Popsugar Mom's Article "9 Signs Your Daughter Might Be a Mean Girl"
There's always a mean girl in every group, in the classroom, even in religious organizations. As parents, we're always concerned about how our child won't be bullied, but what if your daughter is the mean girl everyone's afraid of? How would you know?
It usually starts with good skills of leadership manifesting in everything she does, but here's how you know she's going overboard.
1. She Is Overly Bossy or Controlling
Is she being bossy at home, or maybe she's the one who decides what game to play, when to change games, who gets to hide and basically everything? There's a difference between leading and trying to take over. Try to spot which of the two your daughter does.
2. She Is Always Forming Clubs (and Excluding Others From Them)
Does she have a club for
everything? Girls-who-wear-skirts club? Girls-who-hate-so-and-so-girl
club? She decides who she wants to befriend and the rest are not important anymore.
3. Makes a Lot of Threats
"I'm going to tell!" is their favorite line, not because they're bullied but because they use it as a threat to others. Threats (even innocent ones) can be damaging to others.
4. Tells or Keeps a Lot of Secrets
Girls like to tell secrets —
it's just part of their DNA. But if your child is constantly telling and
keeping secrets (and she won't share them with you), then chances are
she's doing it with other girls, too.
5. She Uses the Phrase "Just Joking" After Being Mean
Always explain to your daughter that she can't always get away with anything with "just kidding."6. She Is Physically Aggressive
They show authority over others by hitting them.
7. She Always Talks About Popularity
Is she obsessed with being popular or having a lot of friends? Does she always need to have a best friend, with whom she might be changing daily? Red flag!
8. Her Friends Are Mean Girls
Mean girls can be attracted to other mean girls and who she hangs out with might be indicative of how she acts when you're not around.
9. She Doesn't Respect Authority
Mean girls often feel that they are top dog, and that's even when adults are present.