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Ways to Beat Cold and Flu

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Summer, rainy and/or the holiday season is almost always the time when you may feel run-down and stressed or catch a cold. Here are some tips to help you feel your best.

Wash your hands often
You can pick up germs on your hands without knowing it. Good hygiene helps you avoid getting sick. Wash your hand with soap and water for at least 15 to 20 seconds. Remember to scrub between your fingers and under your fingernails.

Get Vaccinated
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that eveyone older than 6 months gets the flu vaccine. Ask your doctor's clinic for the available vaccine.

Spice up your diet
Boost nutrition in meals with spices. Chili peppers, garlic, oregano, rosemary, turmeric and cumin help your body's natural defenses the may protect you against illness. This is also a low-salt way to add flavor to your meal. Did we mention that spices are also low-calorie? 

Get enough SLEEP

Stick to a regular bedtime, and get 8 hours of sleep every night. Getting enough rest can help you avoid sickness. If you get sick getting enough sleep will also help you recover faster.

Stay Active

Get outdoors and take a brisk walk. Or stay indoors, and just march in place. You will burn about 100 calories in 30 mins.

Drink Up
You may not think drinking a lot of water is important but staying hydrated is the key foa a year-round good health. Drinking enough liquids helps your whole body work properly. You don't need to stick to plain water. Try hot tea or hot water with lemon and ginger. Having a little flavor is that small push you need to take your liquid.

Reference: Healthy Woman Your guide to living well.