Moms are masters of multitasking, alright, but even superheroes know when not to use their powers. Moms, make sure that you drive safely with or without baby on board. Here are few tips to follow to make sure you and baby goes on a smooth ride on the road.
1. Do not use your cellphone
This is advised even for drivers who are alone in the car, so this rule should be ten times more important now that baby's in the back seat.
2. Don't drive when you're tired
You are most likely to unintentionally swerve or fall asleep. Drive at a time that you are fully focused on what you are doing, and sure that you'll be able to reach your destination safely.
3. Distractions and destruction
While toys distract baby, make sure they don't destruct anything. Bring only the ones that are not fragile or are less prone to creating danger inside your vehicle. When using mirrors, use soft ones that are unbreakable and make sure you don't get tempted to peek once in a while as this may increase chances of car accidents.
You can also clip or tape things to make sure they don't fall on the car's floor and baby doesn't cry to try and reach out for it. You also don't want them to fly all around the car when you kick the breaks.
4. Try driving at a time baby's asleep
The best time to drive in a calm state is when baby's under the same condition. This will not work with everyone as some babies wake up when you try to carry and transfer them to another place when asleep, but you can still give it a try.
5. Buckle up
If you have kids older than your baby, it will be best to wear your seat belt right after you sit so they will try to copy you. But of course, a little reminder won't hurt so always tell them that it's important to wear their seat bealts.
6. Stopovers
Take a rest, eat meals, or use the comfort room. It's also one of the best times to check on how your baby and your kids are doing. But make sure you don't leave them inside the car for too long without adult supervision.
7. Play some music
Play baby's favorite songs to keep her entertained at the back seat.
8. Use tints or sun shades
You won't like it when the intense sun rays hit baby's face. And he won't like it more than you do. Protect baby's skin, eyes, and of course... his uncontrollable emotions.
9. Have extra snacks and clothes
For baby, of course, just in case he might need it after a trip.
10. Stay calm
Lastly, stay calm and keep your eyes on the road. Don't be too tensed about what's happening to baby at the backseat if you know you already set things right and safe. Also, don't be too worried. That definitely won't help baby.
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